Anniversery Campaign 150 years Hamburger Kunsthalle at Heine/Lenz/Zizka, 2019
The ideas of Director Alfred Lichtwark and his new founded Hamburger Kunsthalle remain inspiring until today. Art shlould be for everyone, not just artists or an higher elite. This core believe of beeing a true citizien museum is even hidden in it's own name. "Uns alle" says nothing else then "for everyone". The leading idea for a year of celebrations. He famously started tours with kids and transcribed the conversations in a small book "Exercises in contemplation of works of art. After experiments with a school class.". He was one of the founders of museum education and the art education movement. And it was not just about looking at art itself. He made people undestand the world through art and by beeing artistic themself. "No nation receives from its architects and artisans in the long run more than it is capable of comprehending." Highly recommend his books, they are also a fun read. Happy Birthday Hamburger Kunsthalle!!